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The journey of a Nichiren Daishonin follower

Anupam Chatterjee, a dedicated follower of Nichiren Daishonin's teachings, embarked on a spiritual journey that eventually led him to establish an organization named Living Daishonin International (LDI). His story spans 25 years, marked by deep personal commitment, rigorous study, and an unwavering desire to spread the principles of Nichiren Buddhism to a global audience.

Early Years and Spiritual Awakening

Anupam Chatterjee's journey began in his early years when he encountered the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, a 13th-century Japanese Buddhist priest who emphasized the importance of the Lotus Sutra and the practice of chanting "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." This encounter profoundly influenced Chatterjee, sparking a deep spiritual awakening and a sense of purpose. He was particularly inspired by Nichiren's emphasis on individual empowerment and the transformative potential of chanting.

Immersion in Practice and Study

Driven by his newfound passion, Chatterjee immersed himself in the practice and study of Nichiren Buddhism. He diligently chanted, studied the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, and sought guidance from senior practitioners. This period of intense practice helped him cultivate a deep understanding of the teachings and their application in daily life. He also began to see the positive impact of these practices on his own life, reinforcing his commitment.

Formation of Local Study Groups

Recognizing the benefits of communal practice, Chatterjee started forming local study groups. These groups provided a platform for individuals to come together, chant, study, and support each other in their spiritual journeys. His charisma and genuine dedication attracted many followers, and the study groups began to grow in number and influence. These groups became the foundation for what would later evolve into Living Daishonin International.

Vision of a Global Organization

As the local study groups flourished, Chatterjee envisioned a larger, more structured organization that could reach a global audience. He believed that the principles of Nichiren Buddhism could offer profound benefits to people worldwide, transcending cultural and geographical boundaries. This vision led to the conceptualization of Living Daishonin International, an organization dedicated to spreading the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin on an international scale.

Establishment of Living Daishonin International

In the midst of his growing influence, Chatterjee formally established Living Daishonin International. The organization aimed to provide a structured platform for individuals to practice Nichiren Buddhism, engage in communal activities, and access resources for personal growth. LDI was founded on the principles of compassion, wisdom, and empowerment, reflecting the core tenets of Nichiren's teachings.

Expansion and Outreach

Under Chatterjee's leadership, LDI expanded its outreach efforts. The organization utilized modern technology to connect with practitioners globally, offering online resources, virtual study sessions, and forums for discussion. LDI also organized international conferences, workshops, and retreats, creating opportunities for practitioners to deepen their understanding and strengthen their practice.

Community Building and Social Impact

Beyond spiritual practice, LDI focused on community building and social impact. The organization initiated various social welfare programs, including educational initiatives, healthcare projects, and disaster relief efforts. Chatterjee believed that the principles of Nichiren Buddhism should manifest in tangible actions that contribute to societal well-being. These initiatives helped LDI gain recognition and respect within the global community.

Challenges and Resilience

The journey was not without challenges. Chatterjee faced skepticism, resistance, and logistical difficulties in expanding LDI's reach. However, his resilience and unwavering faith in Nichiren Daishonin's teachings kept him steadfast. He navigated these challenges with wisdom and determination, continuously adapting and evolving the organization's strategies to meet the changing needs of practitioners.

Legacy and Continued Growth

As Living Daishonin International marks the 25th anniversary of Anupam Chatterjee's induction into Nichiren Buddhism, it stands as a testament to Anupam Chatterjee's vision and dedication. The organization has grown into a global network of practitioners committed to the principles of Nichiren Buddhism. Chatterjee's leadership and the collective efforts of countless individuals ensured that LDI continued to thrive and expand, touching the lives of people across different continents.


Anupam Chatterjee's journey from a lay follower of Nichiren Daishonin to the founder of Living Daishonin International is a remarkable story of spiritual dedication, visionary leadership, and transformative impact. Over 25 years, he built an organization that not only fosters individual spiritual growth but also contributes to societal well-being. Living Daishonin International stands as a beacon of Nichiren Buddhism's enduring relevance and the power of committed individuals to effect positive change in the world.